Rapid City Gutter Shows

Help Us Afford Go Skate Day 2024


Last year's Go Skate Day almost got shut down because we didn't know we needed a permit. The city let us have it on the condition that we get a permit this year. GSD 2024 is coming up soon and we need donations to get this thing going.

For insurance and city permits, we need $650 total. If you choose to make a donation, we will thank you on this year's flyer. Donations can be made through CashApp, Venmo, and Paypal.

Rapid City Gutter Shows

Rapid City Gutter Shows is a group of local punks who get together and have shows. It started in 2021 when Ti and Ryott put on shows off of Old Folsom Road.

Go Skate Day 2024 is coming up soon! Be there or be square!